Ok, so I know it seems like I am slacking in the painting department. If you keep track of this blog you've noticed I havent posted anything for a while. The truth is most of my energy is going into producing a portfolio and finding a job. There are however, some days that I actually find a few minutes or hours to paint. So this what I have been working on. Here is a sketch for a painting I've been doing, and struggling with, of Matthew. Ive also included the latest progress on the painting. I went to a presentation by the Gamblin Oils company, and even though I dont currently use their paint, i applied some of the color theory and process that the speaker talked about. I do hope to buy a bunch of Gamblin paints though, they are amazing!! Please leave your comments, and even if there are no comments about the work, please check in by leaving a comment or sending an email, let me know if you are actually reading this. Its nice to know that these posts don't just get looked over. Enjoy the pictures!