As Matron of honor in my Sister-In-Law's wedding this July, it is in my job description (and I really wanted to! I didn't do it just because of the job description.) to throw a bridal shower for the bride. Being as she is in Kansas City, and I am in Austin, I needed a little more help from her than I normally would ask for this sort of thing. The original thought was a formal tea party, but the cost per person is exorbitant. Then we thought maybe a spa day shower, Mani-Pedis, with some wine and food. Well the salon wasnt large enough for our group for a lunch and Kansas has wierd liquor laws. So, in thinking of another option, she suggested a yummy Frozen Yogurt/Coffee Shop she likes. It was the perfect casual luncheon location, followed by a trip to the salon for those who chose to do so.
I wanted to keep with her invitation themes and designs, but make it different enough that it wouldn't give away the "ooohhhs" and "ahhhsss associated with opening the magical invitation envelope in a few weeks. So I used the same themes, colors, and changed the fonts. I think it was a success and I was very happy with them.

I sent out a Save The Date for the shower, even though its not widely accepted, or usually unnecessary to do this. I wanted to be sure to nail down the numbers for the salon, and get the appointments for that made, while still having everyone mark their calendars with a date for the luncheon. It was an just a PDF in an email, but included the same designs and themes as the rest of the package. A few weeks later I sent out the invitations; A7 size flat white card, in grey envelopes with white labels and a lace printed seal.

At the shower each lady was presented with a ring tied to a card with instructions for a game. The guests were not allowed to say the brides name or the word "Bride," and if they did someone could steal their BLING. The game was, I felt, classy and not cheesy or annoying as many shower games can be, and it wasnt embarrasing for the bride. At each place setting was a basswood lace cut fan ordered from a wedding favor site, with a place card and menu. Some of the girls arrived early to help me set up, making tissue pom-poms for the table and we lined the center of the table with ribbon an cut flowers.

The luncheon consisted of fresh sandwiches, salad, soup and topped off with frozen custard of course!

I want to thank all the girls for helping set up, and everyone for attending, we had a nice time. Also,
Foo's Fabulous Frozen Custard in Kansas City was so easy and fantastic to work with! The salon following was nice and relaxing, though there were a few hiccups in the appointment set-up process and payment process, the services offered by
Par Exsalonce in KC were fantastic as well.